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Bridge by Valentine

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Jess from Omaha on 5/14/2020 10:17:08 AM:
Is the bridge by Valentine accessible from the west side? I see the approach on the east is closed.


Alex from Lincoln on 5/14/2020 10:56:02 AM:
Correct. It can be accessed from Valentine. A trail segment between the HWY 20 parking lot and the Niobrara bridge is closed due to some flood damage.

Brenton Lammers from Lincoln, NE on 5/18/2020 10:40:17 AM:
I just did the whole trail with my brother last week. We rode from Valentine to Norfolk. There were no closures near Valentine. It is all back open. Some of the trail was soft due to new gravel being put down and rain. There was closures out east. In several places where the road paralleled the trail it was much easier for us to ride the highway shoulder. Whenever the trail branched off from the highway we would get back on the trail.

Dougt from Onawa, Ia. on 5/18/2020 1:07:52 PM:
Appreciate the trail status report. I do Norfolk/Valentine/Norfolk each year and it's often hard to find a trail condition report. Of course, last year it rained 11" over two consecutive nights and no trail report could have prepared us for that adventure!

Tim Dwyer from Omaha on 5/24/2020 6:49:51 AM:
Thank you Brenton, most informative