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Mason from Neligh on 3/3/2020 8:21:23 AM:
Planning a 2 day bike ride with friend. (50+ women in decent shape). Trying to figure out about how many miles per day is realistic (taking in a few rest and sight seeing in the trail). Anyone with suggestions of best parts to ride.

Ray [webmaster] on 3/3/2020 7:55:54 PM:
This varies a lot from person to person - for some people it might be 20 miles a day, for others it could be 80 miles.

Luckily you are close to the trail, so you can go out there and take some test rides on weekends. Maybe try riding just 5 or 10 miles out and 5-10 back. If you still feel good, do another 5+5 or whatever feels attainable. Try again the next weekend, adding distance, to see what feels right.

Don't just go out and ride 50 miles without a little advance riding, or it will not go well. You might be in great cardiovascular shape with strong legs, but your butt will be screaming if you you haven't gotten some "saddle time" in advance.

So that's not a very straightforward answer, but it's (I think) good advice. Once you get out and do a few long rides, your body will tell you the ultimate answer of what distance works for you.

Good luck and happy trails!

Mason from Neligh on 3/4/2020 8:57:57 AM:
Thanks. My family is from Neligh but I live in SW Iowa and have the Wabash Trace trail realy close. Did a 20 mile ride in about 4 hours-but was sore. Thanks for the tip

Rosie on 3/4/2020 1:11:40 PM:
My friend and I, 50s and 60s, average about 20 miles a day, but we have done more. We are so recreational, and enjoy exploring every little town. We talk and talk and pedal and pedal and take pictures, and talk and talk and pedal and pedal.

Cynthya from Lewis, KS on 3/4/2020 2:15:08 PM:
My husband and I rode almost 3 years ago. We would park in a town and ride 20 miles east one day and west the next day. So we could say we rode from Valentine to Norfolk and back. We had an absolutely wonderful ride and time. Love the trail
Lumps, bumps and all. All good!

Rosie from South Dakota on 3/14/2020 8:30:00 AM:
My friend and I, 50s and 60s, just finished our longest days of 35 and 40 miles. That was big for us, but we still had fun along the way. We think exploring the towns are a big part of the trail. Very tired at the end of those days!