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Goathead thorns

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Lee from DENHAM SPRINGS on 11/11/2019 10:13:57 AM:
When is the WORST time for Goathead thorns? I'm planning a trip for the cowboy trail in late May or early June. Or should I plan for a different time of year?


Donna from Glasco on 11/11/2019 10:32:49 AM:
Early spring before they firm up and dry out to reek their

Maynard from Lincoln on 12/5/2019 9:12:35 PM:
The only place I found thorns was just west of Ainsworth, and it was only for 1/4 to 1/2 a mile. I bought thicker tires and put kevlar inserts in them. Never had a problem after that.

Alex from Lincoln on 12/6/2019 10:25:46 AM:
I'll second "goatheads just west of Ainsworth". That's the only place I've ever had trouble getting flats with them on the entire trail.