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Trail Status Valentine Eastward

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Mrwhiskers from Bartlett TN on 6/4/2019 3:53:43 PM:
Is trail open eastward from Valentine?
Is Norflok to Battle Creek open?

Alex from Lincoln on 6/5/2019 8:19:10 AM:
This map has the most current information on closed segments of the cowboy trail.

johnr from Bellingham, WA on 6/12/2019 11:33:09 PM:
The trail east of Valentine is open-ish. I just rode as much of it as possible last week from Valentine to Battle Creek. In fact, the best part of the trail, in my opinion, was the 15 - 20 miles directly and immediately east of Valentine. Here the trail wanders far from Highway 20, through the sand hills. Peaceful and beautiful. As you travel east pretty much anyplace that the trail crosses the Elkhorn River, the bridge has been washed out and there is no crossing the Elkhorn right now, so one must detour to Highway 20. It's worth it, however, to ride right up to the washout and then turn around because the sight of it is awesome. Much of the Cowboy trail between Valentine and Battle creek in right next to Highway 20 (literally 20 feet from the road) and not all that interesting.