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Reply to Wish there was more support for this trail
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Theresa from Lincoln on 10/31/2013 1:30:07 PM:
Today I found this news story on the Wabash Trace Trail Facebook page.
Maybe the towns people along the Cowboy Trail could watch this and change their mind about the economic opportunity they have been given & embrace what it can become. There are many people across this country that want to ride and enjoy the scenery our state has to offer. I rode the Katy trail in Missouri last week and can't wait to go back to ride more of it next year. I would rather stay in Nebraska but based on comments here, I don't want to risk spending my valuable vacation time on a trail that isn't as welcoming as the folks in Missouri are. Please help me reconsider.

crow from Lincoln on 1/5/2014 12:41:03 PM:
I agree with you 100% I love cycling the Wabash Trail and the Katy Trail and I did not have a pleasant experience on the Cowboy Trail. I think the state and communities are missing great opportunities by neglecting the Cowboy Trail. Like you I will stick other Rails to Trails and skip the Cowboy Trail. Check out the Homestead Trail in NE and the Mopac, both excellent trails in great condition.

Anonymous on 3/16/2014 1:08:00 AM:
I wish that the darn trail would get completed from Valentine to Chadron sometime soon! There is virtually ZERO movement by the state on this project. Very disappointing.

Steve from St. Louis on 6/29/2014 5:56:19 PM:
In the early years there was a lot of resistance along parts of the katy trail too, but the towns and counties along the trail keep growing with it. Things just keep getting better here, and hopefully they will there too with time.

Anonymous on 6/5/2016 10:02:49 PM:
The Cowboy Trail is awesome. The terrain and sights of the Nebraska Outback are better than any other trail in America outside of the mountains or coastal areas. The reason you guys don't like The Cowboy but rave about other worse trails like The Katy is cause you're drunks. That's why it takes you several days to complete the trail instead of finishing it in two days like a real cyclist does. The Katy is alright but the people on it ruin it. It's overcrowded, especially in the St. Louis area, it floods often, it's poorly maintained especially in St. Charles County and like I previously mentioned there are a lot of drunks that like to frequent the bars/wineries along the way instead of actually cycling, the intended purpose of the trail. Furthermore some jackboot Republican senator is trying to pass a bill that would allow atvs on the trail. Atvs and bicycles mix well, kinda like bicycles and cars.KGFW2R