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Cynthya from Salina on 3/16/2018 7:28:14 AM:
We rode The Cowboy Trail August 2017. Some of the online comments were not positive. Some of the information we got before starting in Valentine were not too encouraging, but we started out anyway.

The bridge across the Niobrara River was totally awesome.

We met a father and son team from Germany on The Trail. We talked with some other folks who hosted a camper riding The Trail from Israel. How neat was that!

The Elbow Saloon in Johnstown serves up a great hamburger and the folks there were very friendly. One of the many highlights of the trip.

There were the chucks holes to look out for, weeds and sickers, but we enjoyed the ride. We meet some really great folks and ate some good food along the way.

Hopefully the trail will get finished to Chadron and we will be there to ride that as well.

You have a gem that folks should enjoy. Maybe a few though edges, but well worth the ride.