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Reply to Cowboy Trail Pedal and Paddle 2018 Adventure Race
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Ray (webmaster) on 2/21/2018 6:27:49 AM:
Here's an interesting event that's coming up this summer (June 2 2018):

The Cowboy Trail Pedal and Paddle 2018 Adventure Race: bike from Norfolk to Meadow Grove or Battle Creek along the Cowboy Trail, then return by kayak on the beautiful Elkhorn River! 17 mile race (Meadow Grove) or 10 mile leisure trip (Battle Creek)

Pre race meeting and Spaghetti Social in the Veranda at Divots Friday evening!


Marna from Belle Fourche, SD on 2/21/2018 9:22:57 AM:
Could you please send the link again. I could not get to it from the one sent. When googled, I could only get last years event.

Ray (webmaster) on 2/21/2018 10:58:56 AM:
The link above is correct. If it's not working for you, then you can try and click on the "Events" link. And if that doesn't work, you could try their Facebook page:

Good luck and happy trails!

North Fork Outfitting from norfolk on 4/5/2018 3:52:36 AM:
Hi all! I see that Marna has found our registration page...if anyone else has problems, you may call 402-316-0157 for info as well!