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Chris from Springfield, IL on 5/4/2013 10:19:14 AM:
I have biked several trails in the US. Five of us will be biking from Crazy Horse, SD on the Mickelson Trail south to Edgemont, (South end of traill) and then on to the Cowboy Trail starting in Chadron, NE to the end at Nolfolk, NE. After reading all the reports of the Cowboy, do any of you suggest that we stay on the highway? Chris

Jim from Indianapolis on 7/15/2013 2:17:49 PM:
The trail is fine. I rode 60 miles of it last September. The surface is hard enough; I disagree with those who say it is too soft. It is a wonderful ride. You're missing out if you don't take it. I'm going back this fall.