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Reply to Information-Gathering on the Cowboy Trail 2013

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Reply to Information-Gathering on the Cowboy Trail 2013
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Matt Steger from Lincoln, NE on 4/17/2013 8:37:54 PM:
I'm not sure if anyone is interested in joining me ...

I'd like to ride from Valentine to Norfolk this summer in order to assess the trail's current conditions. This would simply be an simply information-gathering.trip. The bigger and long-term goals should be obvious.

I would really like additional help and input with this "project" and welcome anyone to join me. My bicycle-touring skills are advanced.

Matt Steger from Lincoln on 4/17/2013 8:39:21 PM:
Sorry about the typos in my post!

chris from St. Louis on 4/18/2013 12:17:12 PM:

Depending on when you plan to go, I may be able to go with you. I really can't make it in June, but if you plan to go let me know when. I have done the Katy Trail six times and the Allegheny/C&O from Pittsburgh to DC once.

schreck on 11/19/2013 12:26:33 PM:
I would be interested