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Share a Shuttle, Valintine to Norfolk Apr 30, 2018

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Mac from Mesquite, NV on 1/18/2018 5:11:23 PM:
Two of us are looking for others to share the Norfolk Outfitter shuttle on Apr 30 to help reduce the cost per person. If you are planning to shuttle that day let me or the outfitter know if you can share the shuttle.

tim from Centennial on 1/22/2018 2:44:02 PM:
I just spoke to Tony at Outfitters. Tony is going to shuttle me and my bike April 30 from Norfolk to Valentine, then I'll cycle back to Norfolk. Will see you along the way!

Heath P. from Colorado Springs on 3/9/2018 3:57:59 PM:
HEY! I've been training to do a 1 day ride across the trail myself. I'd love to split the cost. I agree with starting in Valentine as its "downhill" mostly.

Mac from Mesquite on 3/9/2018 9:04:45 PM:
Heath, we have since changed our plans and a friend is picking us up to join us on another ride. Call Tony at North Fork Outfitters, 402-316-0157, as I think he has another guy shuttling to Valentine that day.

North Fork Outfitting from norfolk on 4/4/2018 6:41:33 PM:
Hey Tim, please contact me or Mac about the shuttle on the 30th! Thanks...402-316-0157

North Fork Outfitting from norfolk on 4/4/2018 6:43:10 PM:
Heath, get in touch with any of us about April 30th Shuttle to Valentine! Thanks

Heath from Colorado Springs on 4/26/2018 5:21:30 PM:
Hey guys I wont get out there for a few more weeks now thanks to work :( if you guys do it please let me know and make sure to Strava!!