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Biker4 from PAPILLION, NEBRASKA on 1/8/2019 5:39:22 PM:
From reading some of the comments it looks like the state of Nebraska still has a problem in maintaining the trail west of O'Neal.
It is too bad they do not do more to fix this issue. We would have a boom in cycling and more business to the smaller towns.

samsus on 2/12/2019 9:57:55 AM:
maintaining = boom and more business is simply speculation. Many sections of the trail aren't even paved.

Biker4 from PAPILLION, NEBRASKA on 2/12/2019 11:33:55 AM:
Maybe before we condemn and cast negative doubts we should all try and make all Nebraskans aware of what needs to be done to help support the trail in a way that will benefit all users. Improving the trail to make a better experience for all who ride or hike the trail will shed a positive image on Nebraska as a whole. The boom will come in time if we work together.

Don from Kansas on 2/13/2019 8:13:06 AM:
Hikers appreciate services available along the trail... Paved? Has anyone rode or hiked. A Camino in Spain or rode anywhere in Europe? Biking is so popular in Europe, clubs in the smallest of populations... Roads? They don't need no stinking paved roads.