C on 2/15/2013 11:16:39 AM:
This was taken from Wikipedia (if you trust this source since it is not peer-reviewed):
Bushnell, Nebraska
“The village has very few businesses left. The High School closed in the spring of 1981, with the elementary closing 5 years later. The students now attend School in Kimball, Nebraska. After the school closed all the businesses in town struggled to survive. The grain elevators closed, the gas station closed, then it was like dominoes. About all that is left is a Post Office and the village office. However, two new retail businesses and a nonprofit organization opened in the village in 2011.”
I would be more appreciative that people are exploring the state of Nebraska. It really is a beautiful state, and touring via bicycle is one great way to do it.
I appreciate your work as a farmer, and the fact that you produce food (or at least it will become edible food after it is processed). Since, we people pay for your farm subsidies; you can let us ride our environmentally friendly bicycles and spend money in towns that nobody else would visit. We will dodge your air-conditioned, digitized tractors and combines to see the beauty of the Great Plains.
I am from a rural town in Nebraska (no city folk), and I think any tourism a small town that can attract is a win for that community.