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shuttle back to start of trail?

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Kyle Anderson from Bolivar, MO...grew up in Butte, NE. on 4/21/2010 4:05:41 PM:
I want to do this trail later this summer since I grew up in northern Nebraska and I'm familiar with areas. This is probably impossible or a stupid question but wondering if there was anyone that has contacts with someone in Valentine, NE. or Norfolk, NE. if a person started the trail from one end to the other and left your car at the beginning and could get a way to get shuttled back to your car with your bike?

Traci from Norfolk on 6/14/2010 4:44:05 PM:
I guess you would have to know someone. There's no "official" shuttle service for the CT.

Tom Martens on 6/15/2010 4:07:59 PM:
Contact Mary Bott in Stuart. She will pick you up and drop you off anywhere on the trail


Ray on 7/28/2010 2:36:45 PM:
Panda Transporation in Valentine provides shuttle services for the trail: 402-376-1313