RJ from Leavenworth, KS on 5/1/2012 12:20:46 AM:
Any part of the trail from Valentine to the west is literally undeveloped; meaning it's just the abandoned rail bed. I have seen on blogs where people just ride on US 20 from Valentine to Chadron, and vice-a-versa.
They had such a good start on getting the long stretch from Norfolk to Valentine completed, moving about 15-20 miles per year. It has been several years now that this was completed, and the way I understood it, was they were supposed to continue west towards Merriman, NE. At that time, part of the railway from Merriman to Gordon, NE, Rushville, NE, and ending in Chardon, NE was still in-tact and used occasionally. That part of the railway has since been abandoned and the tracks removed, so the entire trail can actually be built on the old railway bed. There are parts that completely disappear from sight on US 20, which sounds like what many of the folks traveling the Cowboy Trail would enjoy more of on the portion that is already completed.
Seems like I have read that with budget restrictions, there may just simply not be any funding these past few years to continue the project. There are numerous small bridges that have to be "upgraded" for trail use, along with the surface they lay down. I would bet, that some communities along the undeveloped section will try and get the trail, at least through their town, finished with a nice, paved surface. I would really think that would help some of these old towns generate interest in their communities.
It is disappointing to hear that the trail is already falling into some disrepair and the surface is not always as advertised. It doesn't help when the ranchers decide to use the path for their own personal road. Sounds like a better option, while more expensive, would be to perhaps either use the proper material, or use blacktop for the trail instead. (Just an idea.)
My mom grew up in the Panhandle; Rushville to be exact. Their neighboring community of Gordon has