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Marna from Belle Fourche, SD on 8/26/2017 10:11:09 AM:
All kidding aside....

Maybe we should each, EVERYONE OF US, take the 20 minutes it would take, and write a letter to the State of Nebraska and ask them, tell them, about the Trail and it's conditions.

Make sure you tell them where you are from and that you had planned to stay a few days and spend money in their State.....but the Trail needs work.

One letter, they will probably ignore. Two letters they will probably ignore, 10 letters will raise eyebrows and 25 to 300 letters will get time on the Floor of their next meeting.

Send a CC to the Tourism of Nebraska also.....that will REALLY matter to them too.

We all spend days or even weeks preparing for our Rails to Trail Rides....adding 20 minutes to get letters off COULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

It might change the topics here on this forum from "uncut, overgrown" to "they just finished the section of....."

20 don't just intend to do this....DO IT! You are at your computer and now is a GREAT time to write something up.....then MAIL IT.... Snail Mail is not overlooked like email can be. Hit Copy, grab an envelope and drop it off in a Mailbox!

Comment here when you send yours.

Anonymous on 8/27/2017 11:18:06 AM:
Mine are sent.....

Going to work this one over and send it to the Nebraska Governor too.....mentioning how Mickslon got behind the Trail here in SD and ended up getting the Trail named after him.

Here is what I wrote...and SENT


August 26, 2017
Concerning The Cowboy Trail:


Can you tell me what your State's plans are for the Cowboy Trail? We are planning to come and ride it and spend several days in your State (and spend money there) when it is ready for riders. Actually we are planning a trip down in Sept to Valentine to ride the Trail to Arabia. (and spend money in your State)

As we understand it the Trail is rough to closed.

My husband and I have ridden both the Katy Trail in MO, End To End and the Mickelson Trail in SD There and Back (each direction). We also rode many many miles on these two Trails (Katy and Mickelson) Section by Section on other dates (and spent money eating and camping and in motels and shops). Why? Because the Trails are so Nicely Built and Well Maintained as well as User Friendly.

Thank you for your time.

Marna Kazmaier


I sent them a like to my website under my address that has a bog and many photos of the Mickelson Trail

Cynthya from Salina on 8/29/2017 11:16:08 AM:
That was exactly my thoughts and plan. We just rode The Cowboy Trail. I am with you maybe if the state gets enough mail they will get on 'trail and take care of a great treasure and opportunity for Nebraska.

Anonymous on 9/1/2017 10:47:31 AM:
I just got an nice email from The Parks Dept. I was so glad they took the time to write,.....and I hope they took the time to READ what I had written. I sent my letters snail mail, but my reply thanking them for taking the time to write me back, I sent email, reply.

Keep Writing Folks....the more letters they get the more the money could sway toward the Trail.

Anonymous on 9/6/2017 3:08:43 PM:
The legislature and or governors office would probably be good too.

Stephen McGregor from Hannibal, MO on 9/13/2017 11:21:41 AM:
I am going to write a letter. But one thing that I really enjoyed about this trail. It was a challenge and an adventure. It wasn't just a "day ride".

I think if they could possibly control the vegetation on the route (we ran into a few areas that were pretty thick, and that's where you pick up the thorns), and while the crushed granite wasn't as "firm" and compact as limestone, most of it was rideable. I think we had some tracks from a four wheeler on day one, maybe where they'd been out spraying, but it was like rumble strips.

But again my thought is this is an Adventure trail, and I am glad we got to enjoy it.