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Andrew from Martinsville, IN on 6/13/2017 3:05:52 PM:
I've noticed that most are traveling from Norfolk to Valentine. I'm planning to ride the trail in 2019, wouldn't it be best to ride West to East, Valentine to Norfolk? I live in the Midwest and know how the wind can blow. I know the grade is slight, but that way its all downhill also. Thoughts?

Anonymous on 6/13/2017 3:22:22 PM:
I would like to hear comments on that also! I hope to do the trail yet this summer and was planning a valentine to Norfolk route. Pros and cons appreciated

WesR from Springfield, Illinois on 6/13/2017 10:02:30 PM:
We are going Norfolk to Ainsworth and back later this year and will let you know.

Elevation is 1000 feet Norfolk to Ainsworth or 6.69 feet per mile. UP to Ainsworth and down to Norfolk. Still relatively flat land.

Jake from Georgetown, Tx on 6/15/2017 10:16:38 AM:
Something to think about. Most people want ot ride in the morning to 'beat the heat'. That being said, riding East to West (Norfolk to Valentine) puts the sun at your back for the ride. Going West to East, puts the sun in your eyes. As far as the wind goes, it doesn't matter, you'll have wind hit you at all sides in any direction you choose.

Richard from Welwyn, UK on 6/15/2017 12:22:26 PM:
One other consideration is going against the flow. I've done a lot of hiking trails and you see less people going with the flow. If you go oposite way you meet everyone very very briefly.

You also meet to know those on the same schedule, stopping at the same places etc. A good chance to swap stories over a beer or 2

Terry Gandy from Kenosha on 6/15/2017 6:23:58 PM:
I haven't ridden the trail but lived in Nebraska and Kansas for many years. Typically, in summer months you will experience a southerly wind - sometimes south westerly when a storm is coming. Looking at the map, I think it will probably even out.

Denbo from Louisville KY on 6/19/2017 11:53:27 AM:
I do lots of trail riding, GAP, KATY, C&O Towpath and local trails here in Louisville and my hometown of Pittsburgh. I also do lots of long distance kayaking on creeks, rivers and the Great Lakes. The rule of thumb, if you are going out and back it to go uphill, upstream or into the wind on the way out. When we did the KATY one way, we traveled west to east, because it was our first time and we wanted tailwinds and downhill. Same for a Pittsburgh to Washington ride. However we are doing a DC to PIT ride this year, because we want to see the other side of the trees.