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Multi-night Parking in Valentine?

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Kevin R from Twin Cities on 9/27/2018 5:20:36 PM:
I've scrolled through many pages of the comment forum here but haven't seen anyone (yet) post anything regarding parking options for multiple nights in Valentine. Anyone out there have suggestions?

Alex from Lincoln on 10/4/2018 8:39:04 AM:
Greetings! I have always parked at the city park on the North side of Valentine. It's a great place to camp as well if you are arriving the night before and leaving the next morning. Just a $5 camp site fee and plenty to choose from near a nice creek and a short trail system.

Joel S. from Springfield, MO on 12/13/2018 3:17:49 AM:
I agree, the city park was a great place to rest when I rode the trail in October 2017.

Cynthya from Salina on 12/13/2018 9:30:45 AM:
We also overnighted in Valentine City Park when we rode The Cowboy Trail in August of 2017. It had bathrooms, which I believe, include showers. Nice, quite place, with plenty of parking the time we were there. If you ride to the Trail Head from there, you will have a steep hill to climb out. The Trail head park would be nice, but I don't know if it is overnight? Would not be a quiet as City Park.