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Chadron to Valentine

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Phil from New York on 8/11/2018 8:34:16 AM:
Does anyone know what trail conditions are like from Chadron to Valentine, particularly for running? I emailed a Parks Dept. staff member who said it was possible but there is tall grass, and not developed. I'm accustomed to rough trails but I also want to make good time. If anyone has any experience there, it would be appreciated.

Anonymous on 8/11/2018 9:31:20 AM:
It's very difficult to get any information on this portion of the trail. We want to explore it on our trip in late August and will have some info for you. Towns and services are limited. We probably won't make it all the way to Chadron. I'll check our proposed itinerary and get back to you.

steve from Saint Louis on 8/13/2018 4:38:00 PM:
I drove on the highway from Chadron to Valentine a few years ago and from what I observed from the road I would not run or bike that section. I doubt anything has really changed since that time. I also ran the Sandhills Marathon near Valentine(but not on the Cowboy) two times, and I seen all the Sandhills that I ever want to see with that race.