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American Gothic from Cannon Falls, MN on 1/1/2017 4:41:30 PM:
My husband and I take an adventure bike trip every May. We were thinking of revisiting the Katy or the Ohio to Erie but I had mentioned the Cowboy. My husband says he has heard many tales of horrendous thorns on the trail. Is this really true? I appreciate the feedback from May riders.

Jeffrey Rumery from Omaha, NE on 1/10/2017 9:23:38 PM:
I have not ridden the trail, I plan to this summer. However, I grew up in the Sandhills and yes, those thorns are bad. Kevlar and semi solid tires are a must to ride. The weight will pay for itself. But the views in the Sandhills are amazing and you will never forget the night sky.

Hermann Plasa from Munich, Germany on 1/11/2017 1:26:07 AM:
I rode the trail in 2016. No thorns. Don't worrry.


Anonymous on 1/22/2017 11:35:39 PM:
6 friends rode it end-to-end last summer and between them had 1 flat. They rode with good puncture resistant tires but nothing unusual or special.

Maynard from Oklahoma City on 2/16/2017 10:12:35 PM:
Big thorns on the trail about a half mile west of town at Ainsworth. However, they are only on the trail in front of the agricultural supply business, about 500'. You can use the highway and bypass them. No other hazards noted between Ainsworth and Johnstown.

arthur reisman on 2/20/2017 4:33:35 PM:
The thorns won't come out until mid to late summer , hence the differing opinions on this subject. Unless there are holdovers from the previous year, but I would expect the problem gets worse in the later summer

Jim from Omaha but now banished to Indiana on 3/13/2017 2:41:45 PM:
I ride the trail in late September/early October every year. Thorns aren't an issue.

Krista from Lincoln on 3/27/2017 1:24:54 PM:
Is harvest dust a problem in mid- to late September?