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Anyone doing the ride from Norfolk to Valentine ne

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Paul Eckerson from Lincoln on 8/17/2016 5:45:41 PM:
Anyone biking to Valentine from Norfolk? I could drive your vehicle to Valentine as I want to hike from Valentine to Norfolk.

Paul Eckerson from Lincoln, NE on 8/24/2016 9:55:21 AM:
I walked from Valentine to Ainsworth. I think the trail as a whole is not going to work out. Most of it parralells HWY 20 which has 8 feet shoulders and has minimal traffic. It is a great highway for cross-country cycling. The only bikes I saw were on the highway. There are many sandburrs growing on the trail. Without puncture proof tires, trying to ride on it would be foolish. The best 15 miles to hike or bike. Are the 15 miles east of Valentine. It would be an easy bike ride as it is all slightly downhill. It stays away from the highway and it is gorgeous. It goes through the sandhills and is very quiet and peaceful. You get to cross the entire Niobrara river valley and to the Railroad Bridge that is nearly a mile long and the view is awesome. Aside from that section you can see most of what trail offers from your car driving down HWY 20. They are building a cell phone tower at mile 15 there is a windmill right east of it. It is about 10 miles west of Wood Lake. Get on the trail there and ride or walk to Valentine you will love it and remember it! Someone in Valentine the provides canoe trips should get some bikes to rent and shuttle people out there. It would be a big hit. The trail is in very good condition the whole way.