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Curious about the trail want to ride in Sept 2018

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Lara Sims from Ridgway CO on 5/23/2018 10:07:42 PM:
Hi All.
I am looking to ride the trail the last week of Sept. I have a mountain bike and trailer for my JRT -Skipper as he has a bad leg. Curious to know if the trail is good enough for the trailer? We travel slow so trying to figure out the best stopping points. We will most likely stay in hotels along the way. Appreciate any feedback. Happy Riding - Lara

Kris from Denver on 5/24/2018 2:21:41 PM:
I was wondering the same thing. I am looking to pull a trailer w/dog. I am sure someone will give a response. Have fun on your trip!

Alex from Lincoln on 6/5/2018 6:20:35 AM:
I pulled a bob trailor on the trail a few years ago. I had about 40 lbs on it and it wasn’t that bad. At times it did feel like I was dragging a boat anchor but I think that was more just me being out of shape! Bring the trailor and dogs along!

Anonymous on 6/13/2018 10:59:56 AM:
Thanks Alex, appreciate the feedback