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Sherry O from Carrabelle FL on 5/21/2018 7:08:48 PM:
Would like to use a RIDE W/GPS APP on my IPHONE. How is cell coverage on the Trail. I have Verizon.

Cynthya from Salina, KS on 5/21/2018 9:30:10 PM:
We have a GPS app, Run Keeper and it worked on the Cowboy Trail just fine for us last August.

B.A. Fezziwig from Norfolk, NE on 5/22/2018 12:40:40 PM:
Several of us just rode the Cowboy from Valentine to Norfolk last weekend. I have an iPhone with Verizon and run Strava -- I did not have any issues with coverage.

Sherry O on 5/23/2018 12:49:58 PM: