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Reply to Clearwater
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Gary rush from West point on 10/11/2015 12:30:37 PM:
The trail is closed at Clearwater. The bridge over the Elkhorn river is out. The trai is wasted and overgrown.

Dana from Longmont, Co on 10/30/2015 3:02:39 PM:
Is the whole trail overgrown and wasted?

jan from St. Paul on 1/29/2016 12:02:47 PM:
im planning to walk this trail in june. is the trail completely out at clearwater? or detoured.

alex from lincoln on 2/4/2016 10:19:58 AM:
The trail is completely knocked out at clearwater, the bridge going over the elkhorn river is down. The "detour" is to walk on the shoulder of highway 275 (it's a nice 4' wide shoulder). You can see it on google earth if you look, it's just east of clearwater. I rode the trail in September with some friends and a couple guys actually crossed that at your own risk though, I think the water levels were low at the time. I hope you come out and hike the trail! I had a great time riding it last year. There are some cool things to check out in the towns it runs through.

Roger from Omaha on 2/19/2016 8:35:17 PM:
I looked on google earth, and sure enough, the bridge is out. However, I noticed that the satellite image date is from March of 2012. Are you saying that 4 years later, and it's STILL not fixed? I'm planning to use my spring vacation (i'm a student at UNO) to backpack some of the trail; I guess i'll just use the highway for that portion.

Cynthya from Salina on 8/25/2017 12:09:17 PM:
Hello! We just finished biking Valentine to Norfolk and YEP! The bridge between Clearwater and Neligh is still OUT snd now it is 2017. You have to detour to the highway first least a couple miles.