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Bonnie from Tulare, SD on 2/1/2025 9:00:02 PM:
My girlfriends and I plan on riding from Valentine the end of May. Some have their own bikes (recumbent ebikes), two will have to rent e-bikes. We plan to ride out from Valentine and back, and the 2nd day trailer to perhaps Ainsworth and back. Are there a lot of inclines? (We have ridden the Mickelson trial and are curious if the surfacing is similar?)
Any advise and/or suggestions greatly appreciated!!

Alex from Lincoln on 2/3/2025 11:47:23 AM:
Hello! Yes if you are looking for just a day ride, Valentine to Arabia Ranch and back is a scenic ride, about 16 mi one way or 32 mi round trip. A longer day could be made if you venture to Wood Lake which would be 25 mi one way or 50 miles round trip. There is a small cafe (Ma's Cafe) for lunch in Wood Lake and a small park with restrooms. Be sure to check hours for the cafe or call ahead, they have somewhat odd operating hours.

For a ride starting in Ainsworth - you could ride from Ainsworth to Bassett, about 17 mi one way or 34 mi round trip. Recommend checking out Range Cafe for lunch.

Surface is similar in my opinion - as long as you use a wider tire (1.8"+) you should be fine. Recommend running slime or tubeless and carrying extra tubes if you can, just in case.