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Reply to Riding the Cowboy Trail August/September 2024
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Paula DeWald from Fort Wayne Indiana on 8/19/2024 9:18:52 AM:
So first of all thank you for you helpful comments. Next, it looks like we could ride the trail the during the last week of August and the first week of September. We’d also like to to the trail out of Omaha on our way home as long as we’re coming all that way. Ideally we’d ride East to West and drive a U-Haul back to Norfolk so we wouldn’t be seeing the trip ahead of time. We’d be riding our Salsa Muluck Titanium Fat tire bikes with our gear and staying in hotels. At this late of date how feasible would it be to get lodging at the towns between Norfolk and Valentine? Before I start trying to plan it all out I thought I’d ask. We’d ride about 10 miles an hour. Thanks very much for your help.

Alex from Lincoln on 8/19/2024 2:00:08 PM:
Shouldn't have too much trouble finding a room a few weeks out but hotels can randomly fill up if there is an event or large construction crew rolling through a town where beds are limited. If you're self contained I might recommend planning an 7-8 average mph pace and if you go faster, great! The speed difference on the trail vs pavement is fairly substantial along with headwinds. Last, if you plan to get a U-Haul in Valentine, definitely call the shop and verify everything is set up in addition to whatever online truck rental you make, it's more of a local U-Haul affiliate than a dedicated U-Haul location. Hope you come out and enjoy the trip!