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Reply to Trail Condition Valentine to Woodlake is grrat

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Reply to Trail Condition Valentine to Woodlake is grrat
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Scott s from Newbury Park, CA on 9/15/2023 7:05:02 PM:
Heard about goatheads/sand burrs and flats. We had a very different experience, trail was cleared of burrs and a few loose sand but nothing bad. We did the 50 mile out and back, had lunch at Ma’s Cafe in Wood Lake 15 Sept. No flats (I have “slime filled tubes, full disclosure). We saw lots of goatheads on the side and a few encroaching the trail. I tried and succeeded in pushing them off but got covered with very sharp burrs. So advise to leave them, easy to see and ride around. Riding out of Ainsworth tomorrow, no fear.

Paul on 6/11/2024 7:40:09 PM:
We rode from Valentine just 8 miles east and returned. No shade and a lot of loose sand on a hard surface. Although we had 1.5 inch (38 mm) tires, I wish they were wider or had knobs. The tires were getting caught in the sand. Didn’t see any goat heads. The trestle over the Niobrara river was pretty cool.