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Reply to Skinner's Motor Court in Ainsworth

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Reply to Skinner's Motor Court in Ainsworth
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Anonymous on 4/28/2023 4:15:25 PM:
Does anyone have any experience with Skinner's Motor Court in Ainsworth? Clean? Comfortable? Decent? Thank you.

Steve F, Roseville CA

Alex from Lincoln on 5/2/2023 10:01:06 AM:
I'm not sure if Skinner's is still open? I just called and the call wouldn't go through. I can recommend the historic Bassett Lodge for an overnight stay or there are the usual chain hotels in Ainsworth too.

Richard from Hastings on 5/16/2023 9:46:44 AM:
Bassett Lodge,& cafe is outstanding, as I stayed there awhile back following the Cowboy trail with my car! (Walking problem) So many blueberries in the pancakes, I couldnt count them! Very good resting place!