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Reply to 04/28 Ride Valentine > Norfolk

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Reply to 04/28 Ride Valentine > Norfolk
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Daniel Zavadil from Bozeman on 4/20/2023 2:11:58 PM:
Hello, I'll be riding the Cowboy trail solo from Valentine to Norfolk starting Friday morning 04/28 and aiming to arrive in Norfolk around lunch hours 04/30. My legs of the trip are as follows:

Day 1 Friday 04/28 - Valentine > Bassett (63 miles)
Day 2 Saturday 04/29 - Bassett > Neligh (89 miles)
Day 3 Sunday 04/30 - Neligh > Norfolk (35 miles)

If anyone wants to tag along or has feedback for this plan, feel free to respond in this thread or contact me on Facebook. Supe excited to book this stretch.

Chris smith from Helena, MT on 4/24/2023 11:27:21 AM:
Daniel, I’d love to join you, but I’ll be doing the Mickelson with my family that same time. Let me know how it goes. I’m planning to ride the Cowboy Trail (and maybe the Katy) in September. If your plans change maybe we can ride together in the fall.

Daniel Zavadil from Bozeman on 4/26/2023 10:54:14 AM:
Thanks Chris, pretty set on this duration, however September will probably be much more predictable in terms of the weather! Enjoy and hope to see you around MT!