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Jen from Fremont, NE on 6/26/2022 1:56:16 AM:
I'm going to be at the Prairie Club for a meeting. I'm not a golfer so thought about bringing my bike up and do part of the Cowboy Trail for an afternoon from Valentine. Is the Trestle Bridge South of Valentine and is it open? For an afternoon ride is that a short distance or a long distance? Thanks!

Alex from Lincoln on 6/27/2022 8:47:23 AM:
Yes the Cowboy Trail bridge over the Niobrara River is currently open. Not sure what kind of bike you have but a gravel, hybrid, or mountain bike is recommended...something with a wider tire. The bridge is only 2 miles from the trailhead in Valentine. Enjoy the trip! Prairie Club is a neat place too.

Alex from Lincoln on 6/27/2022 8:47:23 AM:
Yes the Cowboy Trail bridge over the Niobrara River is currently open. Not sure what kind of bike you have but a gravel, hybrid, or mountain bike is recommended...something with a wider tire. The bridge is only 2 miles from the trailhead in Valentine. Enjoy the trip! Prairie Club is a neat place too.

Jen from Fremont, NE on 6/30/2022 7:56:54 AM:
Thanks Alex. I have a hybrid bike so I should be ok. Just need to air up the tires.