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Reply to Hopefully will ride soon but not sure.
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Matthew Trenkamp from Iowa City, Iowa on 5/14/2022 12:32:43 AM:
I noticed on Google Maps that an area on the Elkhorn River has a lot of the trail washed away between Neligh and Clearwater by flooding. Not sure if I need to get on the highway prior to the bridge area or if the trail is up to par. Plan is to the ride the 187 mile trail in one day starting at sunrise and ending at dusk pending on my transportation as well.

Tony Stuthman from NORFOLK on 5/15/2022 8:34:12 AM:
There has been SOME work done on the washed out areas, but still about a half mile you will have to use the highway. The shoulder is 10' paved, and the detour is well marked on the trail. Also, give me a call at 402-316-0157 for shuttle assistance, or any other questions.