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Reply to Cowboy Trail direction preference
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Afoll from Vermont on 4/27/2022 2:36:44 PM:
I am planning to ride the trail mid-to-late August and wondered about the prevailing wind direction that time of year. Based on the prevailing winds, do most people go west or east?

Alex from Lincoln on 4/28/2022 9:57:37 AM:
Ride whatever is logistically easier is what I recommend to most people. Ending in Valentine is great if you plan to stick around and paddle the Niobrara and see the area.

Afoll from Vermont on 4/28/2022 7:59:01 PM:
Additionally, I am considering riding to Chadron and beyond. Do the towns west of Valentine have similar services and municipal/private camping?

Alex from Lincoln on 5/3/2022 9:13:05 AM:
The trail west of Valentine has not been developed yet except for 15 miles between Gordon and Rushville, NE. I recommend utilizing the HWY 20 shoulder which is generally wide and has little traffic to go west of Valentine. But do use the Gordon to Rushville section! The towns generally are smaller and services will be limited. Some have parks with camping but not all. Just be prepared and carry lots of water and some food to tie you between towns. Cody, Gordon, and Rushville will have the usual array of services. Outside that it'll likely be hit or miss.

Sylvia from Needville, Texas on 6/12/2022 12:31:05 PM:
Someone had made inquiry about the prevailing wind direction on the Cowboy Trail; however, it did not get answered. I, too, would like an answer to this question. My starting point on trail would be based on prevailing wind direction. My guess would be winds coming out of the west, generally. Please advise.

opedaler from Ne nerbraska on 6/12/2022 8:41:46 PM:
There are several sites that give prevailing wind directions so a quick search might give you one you like. I think you will find prevailing winds in NE and North Central Ne, to be westerlies.....mostly southwesterlies, but this is not a given and if the ride takes 3-5 days you could easily find yourself with an easterly wind during a portion of the ride. Your best bet is to wait as long a possible to make your direction determination if wind is important to you. The strongest winds in northern Nebraska often happening in the spring. Elevation also drops from Valentine to Norfolk to the tune of about 2753 ft. It is a long gradual drop (or gain depending on direction) so you won't notice it much, but the overall effect most likely has some bearing on energy expenditure.

Don't overlook the suggestion to kayak the Niobrara at Valantine. It's a lot of fun, regardless of traveling direction