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Reply to Shuttle sharing
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pacrfan from Colorado Springs on 1/17/2022 11:27:16 AM:
I will be hiking the Cowboy Trail this June. I plan on leaving my car in Valentine and hiking the trail ending in Norfolk. So I need transportation back to Valentine. I am looking for people to share shuttle service on 17 June from Norfolk to Valentine. Or other affordable transportation.

Norfolk Area Visitors Bureau from Norfolk on 1/19/2022 1:36:57 PM:
North Fork Outfitting in Norfolk offers shuttle rides. Their number is 402-316-0157. If you need anything else, you can contact us at 402-371-2932 or

Tiffany Sealock from Bennington, NE on 3/29/2022 12:41:00 PM:
Wow I envy you for hiking on foot the entire trail! How many days are you anticipating it to take and will you be tent camping? I'm interested in taking the bike on the trail but its the getting back to the car issue also. Nice to know there is a shuttle available but with gas prices going up, I wonder how pricey it'll be by this summer?!

pacrfan from Colorado Springs on 3/29/2022 6:21:16 PM:
I will be hiking the trail for 9 days, tent camping at the various towns along the way. The shuttle service was to expensive, so my wife will be dropping me off in Valentine and I will return home via Greyhound and Amtrak. Looking forward to this hike!

Cynthya from Lewis,KS on 3/30/2022 6:01:29 PM:
My husband and I rode and camped August 2017.
We would pick a spot and ride east one day and west the next. Then leap frog down the trail and repeat until we ended in Norfolk. That worked out well and we could say we rode Valentine to Norfolk and back.????

SmoovNerd from Lincoln on 4/8/2022 10:29:03 AM:
WOW, hiking that takes determination, I applaud you! My brother-in-law and I are planning to bikepack the trail this late summer. Still a plan in progress. Hope the trail stays open and is ridable throughout the summer! CHEERS!

Anthony from Fort Calhoun on 6/1/2022 9:00:06 AM:
PACRFAN! I posted above about this very issue and missed your thread....Indeed I would be interested in sharing a ride from Norfolk to Valentine on the 17th! In fact, it's exactly what I asked the community. Are you still looking for someone to share the cost of a charter?


Al from Colorado Springs on 6/1/2022 2:18:16 PM:
I will not be shuttling. Decided to return home via Greyhound and Amtrak. Sorry