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Dave from Sacramento CA on 7/19/2021 9:18:57 PM:
One major improvement that seems like it wouldn’t be too difficult would be to add mile markers and some signage about what city you are passing through. It would be nice to be able to know how far you have gone without having to check GPS. I had to check on my phone every once in a while, and would have to wait for a good stretch of reasonably packed gravel and no potholes so I could check while riding.

Alex from Lincoln on 7/26/2021 11:01:05 AM:
Thanks for the improvement suggestion. We actually just received the signs we had made to mark the towns and will have them put up this fall. Mile markers are also on the list.

Dave from Sacramento CA on 8/1/2021 1:43:39 PM:
That’s great news. I noticed that signage got better as I got closer to Norfolk, mostly because the “welcome to ___” signs for the highway were also visible from the trail.

On the subject of signage, I also would recommend taking a look at the detour signs. It seemed like the beginnings of the detours were marked, but after that I just had to take educated guesses about where to go and when to try to get back on to the trail.