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Reply to Trail closure east of Valentine

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Reply to Trail closure east of Valentine
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Jeff From Buffalo from Buffalo on 7/17/2021 2:21:15 PM:
Trail closure map shows red east of the Valentine bridge to the parking lot, but I have read two recent posts of riders that claim they rode from valentine to Wood Lake in 2020/21. Anyone know if this closure is still active? Would hate to miss crossing the bridge, but would hate more to add 3 miles to the ride by doubling back to Valentine.

Greg from Bellevue, NE on 7/17/2021 2:40:27 PM:
Following your question. I'm planning on riding from O'Neill, starting Wednesday. Two days to Valentine. Hopefully it's open, or at least open enough to walk bike around closure.... Looking forward to bridge coming into Valentine.

Jeff From Buffalo from Buffalo on 7/21/2021 3:39:12 PM:
Let us know Greg.

Granny Gear from Green Valley, AZ & Grantsburg, WI on 7/21/2021 4:23:06 PM:
Just rode from Valentine to Neligh (7/16-7/19/21. No detours from Valentine to Wood Lake. Actually looks like a new layer of crushed rock (reddish) has been put down. Mostly hard packed, but sometimes a little loose. Detour after Long Pine on a dirt/gravel road. A couple of short detours between O’Neill and Neligh because of washouts that put you on Hwy275 (nice, wide shoulder)

Greg from Bellevue, NE on 7/25/2021 7:36:04 AM:
Trail is clear going into Valentine.