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Reply to O'Neill to Neligh

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Reply to O'Neill to Neligh
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Peter Sheridan from Santa Rosa California on 6/13/2021 8:20:45 PM:
Trail conditions in this part are good. A few stretches have the red rock fines laid to thick. I don't know what possessed whomever to do this. Somebody should get a tractor and scrape it off. It will never sink in to the base. The parts with the grey rock are the best with only a thin layer on top of the base. You can make good time on this. Ewing has a market but it's closed on Sunday. Up the road there is a Hiway Mart with snacks and drinks. You can see it from the trail on the left. After Clearwater there is a detour pointing to the highway. The trail bridge is out. There is no signage on where to get back on the trail. The best thing to do is ride on the road till you see the orange pylons where the trail used to be. This part has been washed out by the river. After you pass these look for the next dirt path back to the trail and your on your way to Neligh in about two miles.