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Reply to Bassett to O'Neill

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Reply to Bassett to O'Neill
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Peter Sheridan from Santa Rosa California on 6/12/2021 9:39:17 PM:
Trail conditions were good all the way. We had a headwind almost the whole way and gave up and got on the highway about ten miles before O'Neill. This was the part that someone mentioned had goatheads so I can't comment on that. The road parallels at this point so we didn't miss anything and made better time. West to East is better but no guarantee that the winds may change. The Newport Pool Hall has water, drinks and snacks for cyclists. Stuart has a good grocery store with benches on both sides of the street to eat your lunch. Atkinson has a covered picnic area with cold water at the spigot.

Tony Stuthman from NORFOLK on 6/13/2021 7:09:33 AM:
Hi Peter! Love the updates! It was great seeing you folks riding the trail Friday! Thanks again for using our shuttle! Hope the rest of your trip goes great!