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Reply to Overnight Parking in Valentine

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Reply to Overnight Parking in Valentine
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dwengs on 4/12/2021 7:35:20 PM:
Hey Everyone -
We are planning to do the Cowboy Trail, starting in Valentine. Is there anywhere to park our car while we are out on the trail? Thanks for any help with this.

Alex from Lincoln on 4/13/2021 9:10:52 AM:
There is a parking lot by the trailhead in Valentine. Additionally I have left a vehicle at the city park on the north edge of town where I camped. There's a good sized hill to climb to get out of the park though.

dwengs on 4/14/2021 8:37:39 AM:
Thank you, we would be leaving our car there for several nights, so not sure the trailhead would be a safe place. Any other suggestions? Thanks again.