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Reply to Wind direction in September/October?
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Isaac Terwilleger from LINCOLN, NE on 2/23/2021 11:40:31 PM:
Thinking of riding the trail in early October. Based on the wind during that time, is there advice on which direction to ride?

opedaler on 2/24/2021 10:43:38 PM:
Since you live in Nebraska you are aware of the prevailing westerlies. They aren't a given though, and sometimes an eastern wind can be brutal. If you aren't tied into a specific time slot, it might be wise to get a 6-10 day forecast and go from there. Having said that, there are other reasons for going from west to east....namely elevation. Although you won't be fighting hills, there is a significant drop from Valentine to Norfolk. West to east is the direction my wife and I plan on going when we go.

Alex from Lincoln on 2/25/2021 10:06:05 AM:
In addition to what was said above - West to East if you have someone that can drop you off in Valentine and leave you a car in Norfolk. It's nice only having a 2 hour drive home vs a 5 hour drive after a trip on the Cowboy Trail.