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Reply to North Fork Outfitting in Norfolk

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Reply to North Fork Outfitting in Norfolk
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Ed Marino from Eaton, CO on 1/9/2021 9:42:05 PM:
Its January 2021 and I just saw your postings on the 2020 group ride from Valentine to Norfolk. How did it go? Doing it again in 2021? How can I track that next ride? Would love to join up. Thanks!

opedaler on 2/24/2021 10:49:50 PM:
I don't think they went. We signed up, but did not receive further notifications. It's still on our bucket list however. I really hope they include a canoeing trip at Valentine. We haven't done that for years but it is a very good, relaxing time. Probably nothing until the pandemic is over is my guess.

Tony Stuthman from NORFOLK on 7/8/2021 7:15:49 AM:
sorry, missed this thread...we did cancel the ride due to the pandemic. I am in the early stages of planning a group ride next season, 2022, thinking of early September. Follow us on facebook at North Fork Outfitting, or our website

Tony Stuthman from NORFOLK on 7/8/2021 7:18:59 AM:
and as for the float trip, probably be in!(Check out our page North Fork Outfitting on FB!