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The Cowboy Trail of Nebraska
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Ruth from Westminster Colorado on 11/1/2020 12:36:51 PM:
We are thinking to explore our neighboring state and would like to come ride the Cowboy Trail in Spring of 2021. It looks beautiful!

We have road bikes and need to be on pavement or hard compacted surface for most of ride. We go at mid leisure pace and average 30-50 miles per day. Is there a hard copy map we can order? Any suggestions for routes and schedules?

Cynthya from Lewis,KS on 11/1/2020 1:05:06 PM:
We rode The Cowboy Trail in 2017 on Ranz recumbents with 1 1/2 tires. The only time we got off trail was for a detour near Clearwater and a short strip by coop at Ainsworth. A local said bad stickers there.

I'm not sure if there are maps.. other than what you can see when you look up The Cowboy Trail online. After the fact, I ordered a book, The Cowboy Trail off Amazon. It has some information and trail...but it is not recent...I liked it...I'm a book hound

It is a good ride from our perspective...they have had flood damage again since we rode, so there might be that to contend with.

Paul from North Platte on 11/24/2020 7:42:09 AM:
I plan to ride the trail in 2021 as well. I'm making my own map using a Delorme Nebraska Detailed Topographic Map. Then add the symbols of what's available in the towns I'm interested in for refueling and camping purposes. You can find the symbols for each town on the route planner. Hope this helps!

sschnitker from Council Bluffs, IA on 12/2/2020 9:12:58 AM:
Here's a link to Chuck Haney's article in October's Adventure Cyclist mag on a Valentine Loop ride. It's a combination of road and trail riding that might suit your needs.

Norfolk Area Visitors Bureau from Norfolk,NE on 1/7/2021 3:02:47 PM:
We can provide you with more information and help plan your trip! The Trailhead is located in Norfolk. Visit for more information.