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Average distance per day

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Mark from Tulsa, Ok on 4/22/2018 9:40:32 PM:
About how many miles are a good average on gravel/touring bike?

Cynthya from Salina, KS on 4/22/2018 10:45:59 PM:
We rode August 2017 on Ranz recumbents with 1.50 tire size. Our best day was 40 miles. Most days varied 15-30. We rode on The Cowboy Trail except for a detour to highway for 3 miles because of bridge washout east of Clearwater and 1/4 mile in front of coop by Ainsworth(local advised of bad stickers along that section). Weather can slow you down. We got caught in a torrential downpour one day. A lot depends on the individual and conditions at the time .

Mark from Tulsa on 4/23/2018 8:23:48 AM:
Thanks for the information

Stephen McGregor from Hannibal, MO on 4/23/2018 9:14:29 AM:
Lisa and I averaged 50 miles per day. And that was probably 2/3 effort. The first day out of Valentine, we stopped in Johnstown at noon had lunch at the L'Bow Room and then went to the rodeo til 4 (it was 100 degrees that afternoon). When we got to Ainsworth we were 50 miles on the dot. And had an hour or so of riding time left if we'd have wanted to. I'd seen no problem with 50 miles and probably a 75 day if conditions were right. I rode my GT-105 with Clement USH gravel tires on it, and worked out well (I did put tire liners in prior to the trip.