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Reply to Disappointing ride in O'Niell

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Reply to Disappointing ride in O'Niell
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Anonymous on 5/28/2014 7:45:58 AM:
I've not been more disappointed in a trail before. The trail is so sandy, that it's like trying to ride on a beach. In some places it's an inch thick. After 4 miles we ditched the trail and rode the rest of the day on paved country roads. Such a shame that this isn't ridable. It has such potential.

crow on 6/15/2014 10:04:50 AM:
Yes, I agree, this is how I found the Cowboy Trail, horrible to ride on!
I did learn an interesting theory and not sure if correct, but I was told the trail was built to keep it open for a possible return to using it again for trains and the folks in charge of the trail are not the least bit concerned or interested in the trail construction (it was not build correctly!) or if anyone is able to bike on it. It is used by ranchers and farmers as a "farm road." The people up in the area are probably happy we can't ride the trail. :)
Thankfully there are so many other wonderful Rails to Trails in the midwest, that we have a huge choice of trails. This summer I am headed for the Mickelson Trail in SD,
Happy cycling and hiking this summer.

Hildegard from Lincoln on 6/29/2014 1:43:54 AM:
There's a nice article from NebraskaLand Magazine about a complete ride on the whole trail. I recommend reading it.